How to Obtain a Copy of Your GED Transcript

Congratulations on getting your GED! All that hard work and preparation paid off. Perhaps you’re wondering, “ How to get a copy of my GED transcript ?” Or maybe you want a copy of your diploma.

What’s the difference between a diploma and a transcript?

Your diploma is the certificate issued by your state. It means you have earned your high school equivalency. Your transcript is the official record of all the test subjects you took. It also lists your scores.

Many colleges and universities will require you to submit a copy of each to be accepted and start taking classes. Check out the details about how to get both your diploma and transcripts after passing the test!

Original copies

Some states usually send an email to you right after you pass. This includes a copy of your diploma and transcript. If you didn’t get one, you might live in a state that sends out paper copies instead.

To find out, look up your state’s GED policy page and look for their procedures.

Keep in mind that even if sent in email form, this is your official diploma and transcript. Download and save these documents immediately once you receive them. Make sure your laptop is equipped with Adobe software (version 6.0 or higher) to do this successfully.

Replacement copies

Unfortunately, there is no national process when ordering a replacement GED diploma or transcript. Again, each state has its own process and the can vary widely. For example, in some states, copies of GED diplomas and transcripts are provided by the organization where you took your GED test. Others are kept with the state agency in charge.

We recommend everyone keep records regarding where and how you took your test. This makes ordering replacement documents in the future a lot easier.

To request a replacement, contact the organization you took your test with. For instance, this can be an online testing company or an adult education program. Some students take their GED class and test at a local high school or vocational school. In any case, these programs will replace a lost GED transcript or diploma.

If they don’t have a copy, someone should refer you to a state agency where you can retrieve the requested documents. If all else fails, or you didn’t keep information about where you took your test, contact your state Department of Education. They should be able to point you in the right direction.

“Help, I lost my GED diploma!”

Go to your state Department of Education website or call them directly. Online, find the section where they have order forms to “replace a lost GED certificate.”

In some states, this is simple. You download a form from an agency website, print it, fill out the required information, and send it in.

They may require you to request a paper form over the phone or via the website in other states. This might take a bit longer than a web form, but you can also write a letter asking for a copy of your GED transcript and diploma.

If you do write a letter, you’ll need to include your:

You’ll pay a small processing fee. This is usually payable by certified check or money order. Finally, include a self-addressed stamped envelope large enough for your GED diploma to lay flat. A 10 x 13-inch envelope typically works in this case.

How long will this take?

Mail the form or letter to the appropriate state agency. Most physical diploma and/or transcript orders take approximately 1-2 days to process. Getting them in the mail can take up to several weeks.

Please allow at least a few months for processing and shipping. Don’t wait until the last minute before beginning this request. And before you place an order, call and confirm that you have the correct information and address.

“I can’t remember where I took my GED test.”

Call any local organization offering GED prep classes and/or testing. Personally call and ask to speak to supervisors who will be able to direct you. They’ll know how to help. Don’t just email and hope for the best.

When you do find the correct location, be sure to ask for more copies than you think you need to avoid this hassle in the future.

When you’ve received your copies, store them in a safe location. Also, keep a record of where they came from and how you got them. Just in case you need more copies down the road.

How do I get my GED test scores online?” can help you with that. Click here and follow the instructions. You will answer a couple of questions before you’re directed to the appropriate page.


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