The County is in a unique position to lead regional and state efforts to tackle climate change because of its role as a public health authority and the work it does to support the most vulnerable in the community. The County’s vision of climate resilience is to simultaneously reduce greenhouse gas emissions, prepare for future climate impacts, and equitably improve the health and well being of the community. The County can leverage its position in regional and state decision making to advance this vision of climate resilience. It can build on its long-standing relationships with individuals and community-based organizations to bring new voices into the climate change conversation.
The draft 2015 Climate Action Plan includes nearly 200 five year actions for Multnomah County and the City Portland to complete by 2020. County actions include:
Multnomah County and the City of Portland have released a final report on the 2015 Climate Action Plan, which documents the Plan's implementation successes and challenges, and next steps.
The Climate Action Plan identifies over 170 actions to be completed or significantly underway by 2020. 83% of those actions are on track for completion by 2020.
Climate change is greatest public health challenge of the 21st century.