Materials storage and waste management

The law says you must keep every part of your construction site in 'good order' and every place of work clean. The objective is to achieve what is usually called a good standard of 'housekeeping' across the site.

In addition, all contractors must plan, manage and monitor their work so it is carried safely and without risks to health. This includes careful planning on how the site will be kept tidy and housekeeping actively managed.

The standard of housekeeping you achieve on site will be affected by how effective you are at:

What you need to know

Each year around 1000 trips or slips on construction sites involve someone fracturing bones or dislocating joints.
These incidents can cause permanent disablement and have a huge impact on both work and personal life. Many of are caused simply because there is something in the person's way, such as building materials or waste.

Materials storage

Safe and efficient materials storage depends on good co-operation and co-ordination between everyone involved including, client, contractors, suppliers and the construction trades.

On all projects the arrangements for materials storage should be discussed and agreed between contractors and the project client. Larger notifiable projects should have arrangements for materials storage included in the Construction phase plan.

Top tips for materials storage on smaller projects:

Waste management

There is other legislation governing the proper disposal of waste, ranging from low risk waste through to hazardous waste. These laws are enforced by the Environment Agency and Local Authorities.

However, all waste produced can also present a real safety hazard to workers on site if it is not properly managed throughout the project. You need to decide at an early stage:

Top tips for waste management on smaller projects:

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