Food Science: The Biochemistry of Food & Nutrition, Student Edition

In Food Science: The Biochemistry of Food and Nutrition students learn to use the scientific method as they study the biological and chemical basis of food and nutrition. The text combines scientific principles with real-life applications of food preparation and nutrition. It is taught by the Family and Consumer Sciences teacher, a Science teacher, or by the two together. Students will learn to apply scientific principles of food and nutrition as they explore foods and nutrition using basic scientific equipment. Measurement, use of equipment, problem solving, reasoning skills and writing are emphasized. This flexible text format is adaptable to a one or two semester course.

Об авторе (2005)

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Библиографические данные

Название Food Science: The Biochemistry of Food & Nutrition, Student Edition
Авторы Sharon Rodgers , Kay Mehas , McGraw-Hill Education
Издание: 5, иллюстрированное
Издатель McGraw-Hill Education, 2005
ISBN 0078690811, 9780078690815
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 496
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan