Major/Minor Declaration

A first time, first year B.A./B.S. student is eligible to declare a major by submitting the Major/Minor Declaration Form to the chairperson of the chosen department at the end of their first year or upon completion of 28 credits. The Major/Minor Declaration Form is available in the Office of the Registrar, online or the chosen department. After the department has accepted the student as a major, the department chairperson assigns a major advisor to the student and signs the Major/Minor Declaration Form. The department chair sends the approved form to the Office of the Registrar. The major is not considered official until the Major/Minor Declaration Form is on file in the Office of the Registrar. Each semester, the Office of the Registrar sets a major declaration deadline for the semester.

Dropping a Major

A student may officially drop a major by completing the Major/Minor Declaration Form.

Changing Majors

A student, who wishes to change his or her declared major, must complete the major declaration process for the new major and also complete the “dropping a major” process described above.